Tuesday 8 June 2010


Well its the end of the first week of the 52 Pair Plunge IV, and I have been busy getting some submissions ready.

The idea of the Plunge is to knit a pair of socks every week for a year so that you end up with 52 completed pairs by the end of May. Now I know myself pretty well, and I know that I will be distracted by some shiny new pattern for a shawl/sweater/toy at some point so my strategy for getting the plunge finished successfully is to knit like a maniac early on so that if I do fall off the wagon I have at least a couple of pairs in hand (enough to give me time to finish a simple sweater for example)

Here are the first of the pairs
These are made for my DD and are a UK size 2. I used Knitting Goddess 4ply sock yarn in a semi solid pink colourway and had lots left over soooooo.....

I used it to knit these I made some mods to the pattern to give these a picot edged cuff.

And last but by no means least, I knit some baby socks (thanks goodness for pregnant friends, these little fellas knit up in no time)
I don't need a psychic to tell me that there will be a lot more of these in my immediate future LOL!

Wednesday 2 June 2010

Its been a while

Abject apologies, I have been missing in action for months now and its due to nothing more than my lazyness.

I have been knitting (They will have to prize my needles from my cold dead hands!) and cooking most of my spare time away.

I knitted this little fella with left over sock yarn, I think he turned out pretty well.

I've signed up for the 52 Pair Plunge IV, and as the name applies I will have to churn out a pair of socks every week for a year!! That along side all the other works I have in progress ( finally started a February Lady Sweater) should keep me amused for the foreseeable future and should provide a suitable amount of Blog Fodder.

As for the cooking, cupcakes have become a passion in our house since DD had a bake sale at school. They are so simple yet look so impressive. Also confectionery has been a theme with fudge, toffee and peppermint creams being the most requested items. I had a bash at a home made BBQ sauce which turned out really rather well, and should I be able to recreate it I'll share the recipe here.