Wednesday 21 January 2009

Happy New Year?

Well here we are in 2009, and we are off to something of a vain glorious start.  The world economy is in meltdown, the Middle East is in chaos and my knitting stash is in uproar.  Ok the last of the three will not impact on anyone else's life but when the puppy gets hold of the Funky Fur your dear daughter begged you to buy and makes the worlds largest knot it turns into something of a minor crisis.  

On the subject of disasters, dear daughter was bitten by her pony during the holidays and her confidence to be in its presence has taken something of a knock (bloody Shetland ponies bad tempered little bas***ds) still she loves the little brute so it has escaped the glue factory this time.  Its partly my fault, we have not been doing any riding since the weather started to turn icy at the beginning of December due to my paranoia about horses slipping and injuring themselves or their rider (been there done that got the scars to prove it) so the horses have had very little exercise or contact with the children for months.  Hopefully by the time the weather turns for the better she will have forgotten the whole affair and be ready to interact with it again.

In other news, I seem to have started many projects over the festive season but been particularly bad at getting anything finished! I did manage a pair of gloves using Opal Harry Potter sock wool in the Dumbledore colourway 

and a Republic hat using Rico Designs Roxy wool/acrylic chunky

Not much to show for almost three months is it.

In contrast to this poultry amount of finished objects my "works in progress" pile is huge!  Currently on the needles are a Stephanie Japel Thick and Thin Cardigan Coat  ,a pair of Urban Necessity Gloves, a pair of two at once socks (making these up as I go along, wish me luck), an Isadora cardigan and a pair or grinch gloves.

Will keep you posted on progress (if any) as it happens.

I really hope that everyone managed to have a lovely festive season (despite all the gloom and doom) and that the new year brings great joy and prosperity to you.


Carmen said...

Love the gloves!!!

Daniele said...

I've already seen your projects on the Winter Warmies KAL - still great!!!

Also, I hope your daughter gets her nerve back quickly. I know that whenever I've encountered horses (I live on a farm, but we only have sheep), they just seem so BIG to me! Beautiful creatures, though. Horseback riding - very cool!