Tuesday 20 February 2024

Drop Spindles

 I'm a knitter at heart, but because of that, I became interested in spinning.

Like most beginner spinners I started off with a very basic drop spindle and some very dodgy fibre which was half felted and difficult to draft.  

Turns out that the fibre being so awful did me a favour.  I persevered with it, and even though the "yarn" I made with it was a lumpy bumpy mess, it was good training.

Now, I'm confident spinning almost any fibre on a drop spindle and it's one of my favourite things to do.

However, this has led to a whole new level of stash enhancement, in fact it could even be a hobby in it's own right! That and all the beautiful spindles that are out there looking for a good home, it's a rabbit hole that I have well and truly fallen down.