Saturday 11 July 2009


My brand new spindle and slivers arrived yesterday (Yipee). Unfortunately, I was out watching our dear daughter in her drama group show and stupidly left my unopened (eagerly awaited) parcel on the kitchen table. Whilst I was out our dog decided that because she had been left on her own badness was the order of the day and ate the parcel!!!

I returned home to find the previously beautifully carded slivers of merino strewn hither and yon and the spindle chewed into several bits.

Am I impressed? NO I AM NOT!

Wednesday 8 July 2009

A new hobby

There is something very satisfying about being involved in things from the beginning, I can totally understand why some people give up their modern rat race lifestyles and go native in the country (no funny remarks about small holdings please) Now I'm not saying that I'm ready to eat bark and knit my own shoes, in fact I enjoy the fast pace of my working life, but at home I have a hankering to take things easy and to create things from scratch. I have no artistic talent, I can't paint (apart from emulsion) or sculpt for example but I can knit and the sense of achievement when a garment, toy or pair of socks is completed fills that little creative area in my soul.

So I think I am now ready to take this creative process a step further, its time to play with the big girls and boys and learn to spin!

I have long listened to my Plurk Pals and Ravelry Chums waxing lyrical about the joy of spinning and using your own hand spun yarn so I've taken the plunge and ordered one of the drop spindle starter kits from

I'm eagerly awaiting its arrival and will share my "roving" adventures.